Thursday, October 30, 2014

Romans 12-16. Live as Saints Should Live

1.    Review Romans 13:11 and look for what is “nearer.” Read Ezekiel 3:20; Doctrine and Covenants 14:7; and explain in writing what we must continue doing to work out our salvation.
We need to prepared for the Second Coming, because it will come sooner than we think. Ezekiel 3:20 explains how we will die in our sin because we were not prepared and had no warning. This is why we must be prepared because we will not know when. 
2.    In Romans 12-13 Paul gave much counsel that leads to salvation. Read each of the following verses and list what Paul taught would help lead to salvation:
o       Romans 12:1 "We are a living sacrafice; holy and acceptable to God"
o       Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed by the world; be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
o       Romans 12:9 "Let love be without dissimulation. Cleave onto that which is good."
o       Romans 12:13 "Be hospitable to others."
o       Romans 12:16 "Don't be conceited."
o       Romans 12:21 "Don't be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good."
o       Romans 13:1 "The only worthy power is the power of God, and we are subject to it."
o       Romans 13:3 "Do that which is good, and we will be praised."
o       Romans 13:8 "Don't constantly owe one another. Instead, love."
o       Romans 13:9 "Do not cheat on your spouse, do not kill, do not steal, bear false witness, covet. One of the most important commandments is to love thy neighbor."
3.    Review Romans 14:1-13; 15:1-3. Then write answers to the following questions:
o       What cautions did Paul give about judging? Paul is basically telling us to stop judging one another because we are all trying to get to Heavenly Father one way or another. So, rather than racing each other to get there, why not help each other along the way?
o       People may have different opinions and practices, but what is most important to remember? It is most important to remember that we are all children of God, no matter how different we are, and God accepts us all even though we have different ways of doing things. We all have our own paths as to how we come to Heavenly Father. 
o       What additional insight comes from reading Doctrine and Covenants 38:25-27? We are told to be one, for if we are not united as one, we are not of God. I feel like this is why it is important to have stakes and wards, so we can all come together as a community to become closer to God. 
4.    Review Romans 15:25-26, 31; 16:2, 15. Write the term Paul frequently used to refer to members of the Church in his day. Paul is referring to the members of the Church as the "saints." This is why we are called Latter-day "Saints" today. We are faithful, virtuous, holy people. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Romans 6. Baptism

1.    Review Romans 6:1–13 and answer the following questions in writing: 
o       What must be done with sin before baptism can occur? Sin must be "destroyed" before baptism occurs. Verse 6 says that our old lifestyles are crucified with Christ; as we are lowered into the pure water, our sins are "washed" away, off our mortal bodies. The JST for Romans 6:7 says, " For he that is dead to sin is freed from sin." 
o       What events from Christ’s life are symbolized in baptism? Christ's crucifixion as well as his Resurrection are symbolized. Our sins are crucified with Christ as we are baptized, and we "are risen again" as we come out of the water; born again. 
o       Considering this symbolism, why couldn’t someone be baptized by sprinkling? If we only sprinkled the water, we wouldn't be fully representing the "full cleansing of our sins."
o       What do these verses teach us about how we can maintain the “newness of life”? As we all have weaknesses, it is important for us to not give into the sins that involve our weaknesses. Rather, give in to God's Commandments. It is important to stay faithful to our covenants after we are baptized. 
o       According to Mosiah 3:19, what part of us would ideally die at baptism? The "natural man" in us dies at baptism. We have a new state of mind of knowing the difference between what is right and wrong, and acting upon it. 
2.    Study Romans 6:14–23. Write a paragraph that describes how we know whose servant we are. Then write a statement identifying the true source of freedom.
Do we have license to sin and not worry about "works" anymore because of "grace"? Absolutely not!If we yield to sin, we are sin's servants, but if we yield to God, we are His servants. We must thank God that we are not servants of sin, but that we have the blessing to be a servant of Him. Because we accept to become baptized, our next step is to remain faithful and grow towards exaltation. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Be Separate From The World ~ 2 Corinthians 6:11-18

"Be ye not equally yoked together with unbelievers." Do not get tied up with dealings and commitments with nonmembers that cause you to bring your faith down. Sometimes this includes dating or marrying outside the church. It is important that the gospel be a top priority in our life, and that others know this so they can be influenced in the best way possible by one's faith.

"Come out from among them, and be ye separate." Stay away from associations that will lead you away from Christ. I attended General Conference this year and was amazed at how many anti-LDS protestors there are around Temple Square. It just seems so silly to me that they think they can convince a large group of faithful members think otherwise of their religion. However, it is a nice feeling to enter Temple Square away from evil like this and feel the peaceful atmosphere (and of course feeling the peace INSIDE the temple itself). Evil is not going to go away no matter how faithful we are, but we can still resist it.

"Touch not the unclean thing." Do not fall into temptation; sometimes this can cause a bad habit and even an addiction! Pornography is a huge temptation and addiction today with both members and nonmembers and it is sad how much evil and sin is caused by simply viewing the pornography. It twists our morals and puts us in a different state of mind, and can change our lives for the worse. Sometimes I see one awful image on Facebook or social media, and I have to immediately remove it from my news feed or delete it somehow, so I do not have to see it again.

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Impact of Example

What is required of the servants of the Lord in 1 Corinthians 4:2?
1 Corinthians 4:2 says that the Lord requires us to be faithful.

Name the group said to specifically be examples. How does being an example apply to more than just this group?
In 1 Corinthians 9-17, the apostles are the ones expected to be the examples. However, we cannot only rely on them. We must be examples ourselves so we can influence even more good in the world. Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 12.

Read Alma 39:11-12 and explain why it is not enough to just know what is right.
It is important to learn right from wrong, and it is especially important to learn this at a young age. However, more is required of us when we are wiser. We know better than to just know what is right, and not do anything about it. We must DO what is right, and encourage others to do so as well. This is said in Alma 39:12. We must do good and not lead others astray.

Read 3 nephi 8:1 and describe what additional power comes to those who live what they know. 
When we are living what we know to be true, we will be able to see miracles in our life. We establish a positive state of mind with a special light to it, and that is the light of Christ. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Acts 19-20 ~ Proper Authority and Ministering to the People

1. What did Paul do for the Corinthian saints because it hadn't been done right the first time?
The people had not heard of the Holy Ghost, and claimed they had been baptized under John the Baptist. Paul told them they needed to come unto Christ and believe in Him, and be blessed with the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands.

2. How does this help answer the question many nonmembers have about the need of being baptized when they have already been baptized?
Many people do not fully understand the concept of baptism and how it is a continual process with partaking of the sacrament and pleading to Heavenly Father for forgiveness.

3. In what way did Paul bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Paul first shared with the people what the Holy Ghost was and how everyone needs it individually, and how it is the greatest gift we can have on this earth. He then was able to baptize the disciples through the Holy Ghost.

4. On what day of the week did the saints meet to break bread? What evidence is there in John 20:1, 19 for why the Sabbath changed?
The scriptures says the saints broke bread on the "the first day of the week." In John 20:1, it says it was early in the morning. The day of the Sabbath was changed to remember the atonement of the Savior and that he rose on the first day.